Dec 1, 2020
Today, it is a privilege to share with you one of my favorite books of all time. It's called the Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. I was introduced to this book in my 12th grade Bible class believe it or not, in high school, and it opened my eyes to the depths of Christianity, friend.
And I don't know about you. I'm tired of surface, trite, make-it-what-you-want-it Christianity. I want the real God of the universe. I want what he has to say, even if it's hard to hear it. This book showed me the practices that we can do as believers to welcome Jesus into our very real lives and to hear his very real voice a little bit clearer. I'll be honest. These disciplines, they aren't easy. They are not for the faint of heart, but they are good. And they have changed me.
Also a little PSA on the side. This is the 11th of 12 books we are reading this year in the Nancy Ray Book Club. I'll do a podcast about the 12th book, Parenting With Love And Logic, in January, as we're still all in the middle of finishing reading that book.
But I did want to let you know the new 2021 book club list is live! You can see all of the books that I've chosen to read in 2021 by heading here. I'm really excited about the lineup. You're always welcome to join in for as few or as many books as you want.
For the full show notes, head to
The Celebration of Discipline, by Richard Foster
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