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Work and Play with Nancy Ray

Jun 27, 2023

Today is the 200th episode of work and play with Nancy Ray. I am so excited to celebrate with you. I can't believe it. I can't believe I've done 200 of these episodes. That's crazy. I'm so grateful that you have been listening. I hope today's episode is just fun. I thought of 200 of my favorite things, which is kind...

Jun 20, 2023

This week, we’re diving back into our 2-part series as Will and I celebrate 15 years of marriage (crazy, I know)! This week, we’ll be talking about kids and home life—from how we balance everything after adding kids to the mix to how we keep our home running smoothly amid the day-to-day busyness. It’ll be a fun...

Jun 13, 2023

Back in January, I did a big survey of all of my podcast listeners and one of the most requested people that I was asked to interview on the podcast was my husband, Will! Today, we’ll kick off a two-part episode series just to cover some of the most-asked questions about travel and finances for us. We'll talk about...

Jun 6, 2023

Summer is here—and after a long school year of hard work, it’s time to kick up our feet and play! Today’s episode is going to be fun and two-fold. First, we’ll talk about the practical: how to plan your summer well. Then, we’ll dive into part two and talk about the actual summer plan and what kind of mindset...