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Work and Play with Nancy Ray

Sep 24, 2019

Now, I truly believe that leadership is a learned skill. I believe that about parenting, too. I believe it about playing the piano, about doing your hair. You have to learn these skills to be good at them, and guess what? If you have influence, you are a leader, right where you are. If you can speak into someone else's...

Sep 17, 2019

For the longest time I was really afraid of becoming a mom. I thought that I should have these longings to be a mother or I really should want to have a baby, but I never did. I was really happy with my marriage and my life before babies. I loved my work, and I was really fearful of what it would do to my life, my...

Sep 10, 2019

You know what's pretty much the worst job in the world? Having to fire somebody. You know what's even worse than that? Keeping somebody on your team that needs to be let go, but you feel so bad, you don't want to have that conversation. You'd rather just keep them around and deal with it. Then eventually you have...

Sep 3, 2019

I get the question all the time: How do you do it all?

My answer every time is: I don't. I don't do it all. I ask for help. 

I have a team that works hard behind the scenes in my business, and I have a lot of family members that help out with the kids. We have a nanny. I ask for help. Now, I want to preface this by...