Oct 27, 2020
Okay, have you ever sat down and thought about everything you do in a week, all the work, all the things you're responsible for all the fun you want to have, all the exercise you need, all the sleep you need, and thoughtfully written out how you would like to live your ideal week?
If you never have, I'm so excited for...
Oct 20, 2020
Writing a five year business plan can feel daunting and overwhelming, especially if you don't even know where you want to be in five years, which is probably most of us.
Today, I'm going to break it down. I'm going to break it down for you in a way that is actually attainable. You'll be able to wrap your mind around...
Oct 13, 2020
This episode is the gentle reminder that Halloween is in two weeks, Thanksgiving is coming, and Christmas is on its way. The shopping, the planning, the decorating, the end of year celebrations, and parties, and whirlwinds, all of it is right around the corner.
Often times, this is the time of year where we go a little...
Oct 6, 2020
Today's book is Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons. And it's one of those books I just kept hearing about. It kept popping up on my social media feed or in a podcast or I saw a friend reading it. And after looking into what it was all about, I knew I wanted to get my hands on it.
In it, Rebecca outlines four rhythms...