Dec 24, 2019
Merry Christmas, friend.
It is Christmas Eve, which means that my family is gearing up for our favorite family traditions and I'm sure you are, too. We are all so full of anticipation for Christmas morning. More than ever I'm believing that Christmas is about the awe and wonder of what it means that our God actually became a human to live with us and to save us. If you stop and think about it, it will blow you away. It's also about time spent together with those you love most, slowing down and making some time to feast and celebrate after another year of work and play.
Wherever you find yourself this Christmas, my prayer is that you would know Emmanuel, God with us, and that He truly is the greatest gift.
I'm kind of banking on the fact that you won't be listening to my podcast today on Christmas Eve and that you'll likely be tuning in a few days after all of your family festivities die down. What I've come to realize as I get older is there can be just a lot of mixed emotions after Christmas. I don't know if you've ever felt this way. It's like there's relief that it's over, but there's so much excitement and hype going into it and then there's kind of a let down. There's happiness because of all the memories and gifts. Maybe some disappointment or sadness mixed in, it depends on the season of your life and your circumstances and there's having to say goodbye to loved ones. It's just kind of a roller coaster sometimes, but no matter what your emotions are, I want to share three things for you to do the week after Christmas as a gift to yourself and maybe if you do these three things, you'll find that Christmas and New Years can be a little bit more enjoyable every year.