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Work and Play with Nancy Ray

Apr 25, 2023

Jumping in right off the bat with a few really fun announcements!

Number one, I have a new website as of today and a new brand, new colors new look. Shout out to Sammy Jo, I love you. Thank you for creating such a beautiful space. Head to to see it.

Number two, along with the website, I am launching a Mastermind group (!) for a group of women, only 12 women who are business owners in the Raleigh area. I'm so excited. You can go to my website to learn more and I'll talk a little bit more about it in the podcast today.

And third next month, starting next week, we're already almost in May—crazy—we start May is for Mamas! Every May I set aside my episodes and I dedicate them to the Mamas listening. And I have some exciting guests lined up, some great content for you, and I can't believe we're almost already in May.

Okay, let's jump in to today's episode. My top eight work hacks or tips or advice, or, I had the hardest time naming this episode, but these are just random things that I have pieced together after my 16 years of experience of being an entrepreneur.

Some of them I've created, some of them I have learned from books, some of them are systems, some of them are habits, but they're the things I keep coming back to again and again. Now, you might be surprised at some of them, but here's the deal: I know I struggled the most in my work and in my business when I have a lack of clarity and when I feel really overwhelmed with all that I have to do.

So this list of eight things are things that I've brainstormed based on my years of being an entrepreneur. They're the things that have worked when I've worked by myself and they've worked when I've had a team working with me. They helped me not only in my work but in my life and being more present with my family as well, and just being more fulfilled. They helped me stay inspired and passionate about my work and I'm so excited to share them with you today.

For the full episode, head to


Resources from this episode:

The Work & Play Weekly Checklist (Free Download!)

The Work & Play Mastermind!

2 Second Lean, by Paul Akers

Traction, by Gino Wickman

Episode 026 - My Favorite Business Book of All Time

Deep Work, by Cal Newport

The 12 Week Year, by Brian Moran

The Advantage, by Pat Lencioni


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