Dec 10, 2019
We can never underestimate the power of a life-giving home. My strongest childhood memories are rooted in my childhood home, as I'm sure yours are too. I also have vivid memories of going to the homes of friends and feeling so welcomed, so loved, and so grounded when it felt like my own home and family were falling apart. Last year when we moved into our current house, my dear friend, Callie, gave me a book called The Life Giving Home as a housewarming gift. And this year, we've been reading one chapter a month in the Nancy Ray Book Club since there are 12 chapters, one for each month of the year.
Sally co-wrote this book with her daughter Sarah, and they kind of alternated writing chapters. It wasn't a perfect back and forth between Sarah and Sally, but it was cool how they took different chapters and wrote from their own perspectives.
If I can put it into one sentence what this book did for me, it’s that it made me view taking care of my home as a joy and a privilege instead of a burden.
Now, I fully realize that might not present me in the best way because I'm admitting that sometimes it does feel like a burden to take care of all the ins and outs of my home, but I'm okay with that. I know managing a home can feel like a lot and we lose sight of the purpose of all the laundry, and the kids that constantly outgrow all the clothes, and the meal planning, and the closets that need to be decluttered, and the refreshing of the art and furniture, and finally printing those photos. It can all feel like a lot, and it can weigh on you week after week.
But, I'm here to remind you today having a life-giving home is a crucial part of being able to work well, and being able to play and rest well, and having a healthy soul, and a fulfilling life.
Today, we'll dive into my biggest takeaways, the things that I want to be sure to embrace in my own home.
For the full transcript, click here.
2020 Books have been announced!
The Life-Giving Home, Sally & Sarah Clarkson
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